A Magyar Nemzetben megjelent írások gyűjteményét a Szószabó Stúdió adta ki. Régi barátom írásainak szerkesztését mindig 'szakmai ínyencség' gondozni...;-)
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Really? It really is eencllext to witness anyone finally begin addressing this stuff, however I’m still not really certain how much I agree with you on it all. I subscribed to your rss feed though and will certainly keep following your writing and possibly down the road I may chime in once again in much more detail. Cheers for blogging though!
Yusnor Ef was recently lamaestbd in the Malaysian papers. A report by Adam Salleh from Harian Metro Malaysia in late 2007, claims that Yusnor is actually just a fan in the 50-60s era during the P. Ramlee times, and not exactly "P. Ramlee's disciple as he claims to be so famously for". The report and several others in the Malaysian media, supported by true film veterans/legends of that era also states that he is "distorting" the history of Malay films, by infusing his own name and "involvements" in the likes of that era by saying some film lyrics were written by him, and that he is a music composer, when he cannot even play an instrument. A lot of the Malay veteran artistes (of whom a substantial number plied their trade in the Shaw Brothers studio in Jalan Ampas Singapore, is still alive and kicking in Malaysia) also supports the claim that Yusnor got his " experience and info" from books and true life accounts of the "real" artistes/friends of P. Ramlee and the late legend's era. Yusnor then will always "sell" it as his "own story". It's sad that many in Singapore is fooled, simply because Yusnor also contributes to the singapore malay media press, and always "market" himself as "P. Ramlee's student". Please do go to Kuala Lumpur, and seek veterans like Datuk Jamil Sulong (a revered Malay director/linguist active since the 1950s), Dato' Aziz Satar (P. Ramlee's partner in crime in most of his comedic films) and the likes, as these people are the true legends and who more than without a reasonable doubt, are true friends and colleagues of P. Ramlee. They will tell who the true Yusnor is, that he is no more than a mere obsessed fan during the 1960s, often hanging around the fences of the studio, not even granted free access into the studio. It seems today, that his efforts has paid off since a lot of people really believe that he was that close to P. Ramlee. Do enquire from the Harian Metro press regarding the validity of this claim by Adam Salleh and the other reporters. It is heard that because of this "scandal" that was let known to the Malaysian public, his production endeavour in Malaysia has suffered, and he is now back and based in Singapore, holding small scale workshops and seminars to support himself, again selling his "P. Ramlee's student" branding. Only the Singaporean Malay newpapers supports him, weirdly enough. I don't like to assume since I don't know him, but I half suspect and think there won't be smoke without fire. Only God knows. God speed.
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